Concerning the new design for ship, we carry out detailing by adding information in Yard plan drawing (Detail drawing) from KP drawing. This drawing will be used for modeling work, making part data, production planing, and other departments such as outfitting.
We also do some works related to modification such a finished plan drawing, modify from old to new ship.
In addition, we also joined making supplementary drawing other than Hull structure such as: Foundation drawing for outfiting equipment and we can provide another kind of drawings, not only for ship design but also for other engineering field.
Local strength analysis for reinforcement under Deck mooring equipment :
Evaluate and determine scantling, detail of reinforcement for Deck mooring equipment.
The reinforcement type (Bkt, F.B, I.A..) to be designed depend on actual Hull structure in order to withstand above mooring equipment in most serious working loads. The scantling of reinforcement to be judged and determined finally basing on results of calculation.
We create 3D model of Hull Structure for Basic and Production designs. We can utilize the effectiveness of Aveva Marine, Napa Steel, Grade Hull, CATIA, SolidWorks and Raku Raku CAD softwares. These results are used for the calculation of weight, welding length, production planning and so on.
Rules calculation for Bulk Carrier and Tanker by PSH-Rules (in accordance with NK-Rules):
Based on the Yard plan drawing, Hull part data is made through the use of Grade Hull software.This part data includes all information such as outer shape, marking information, bevel, hole. On the other hand, at the next stage, Part data will be used for Nesting work.
A Typical FE model job can be descripted as below: